Evaluation question two:
2 - How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary text (digi-pak and advertisement)?
How well does my ancillary products make clear visual links with my groups music video?
How does the audience recognise them as linked products?
This is the text on my actual CD |
This is the actual text on the outer panel on my front cover |
This is my actual track list |
These are the quotes I have placed on the inner panel |
This is the text on my advertisement |
This is the text on my advertisement |
This is also text from my advertisement |
I personally think the text on my Digi-Pak is very effective, it features the house style that I have tried to follow throughout making my Digi-Pak of white blue and grey. I decided by making the Artist's name a bold blue it would make it stand out and draw the audience's eyes to it, which I think it has successfully done especially on the outer panel front cover and on the actual CD itself. I think the 'Nor-Et-Blanc' text stands out more than the 'Unity Dances' which is why I used that test for my track list however I felt like the 'Unity Dance' text advertised the Album well on the advertisement well, it suited the colours and positioning on the advertisement better than the other 'Nor-et-Blanc'. However critically I think on the advertisement the grey text using front style 'unity dances' could stand out more.
What work influenced me when making my Digi-pak?
This question is answered in the Prezi below:
How have i used elements of real digi-paks?
Do you think your target audience would be attracted to them? why yes?
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