why i made my digipak look the way it has?
I had inspiration from other cd and album covers for example
James Arthur impossible - This cd cover made me want to make my cd album a block white background. I did this because i felt the plain white background makes the image and the artists name and the song title stand out really well on the cover and draws your eyes to the main image. I feel that the background of a cd case can often distract you from what is really important about the album and by making my background like this cd the image on the front of my album stands out fairly well and the title and artist name. |
Adele 21 - This main image on the front of this album is fairly similar to the one i chose to use on the front of my cd cover the artist is looking down and is resting their hand on their head which i think is a very strong main image and gives the audience a taster of what the album is about, sadness, loneliness, powerful songs which i think is a good thing to do as the audience will know what kind of album they are buying. The main image of an album is very important and has to be strong and i think by choosing an image of my artist that is similar to one that Adele has chosen makes my image just as strong and effective as hers. |
This is what my front cover of my cd looks like and you can clearly see the resembilences to both of the cd and album cover above. |
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