Carol Vernalis highlights 2 key concepts of how a music video is constructed, theses are identified to be:
- Narrative
- Editing
What are her views about narratives?
- They are not always complete- often fragemented.
- There is not certainly a balance between the performance and narrative.
- It may have a disjointed structure.
- There is not always a clear resolution at the end.
- Often poses questions that are left unanswered.
- The music, performance and some other element used is what drives the video foward, the narrative is hardly involved to create a music video as the video is just a visual response to the music.
- She states that the editing is recognised to match the musical phrases or the beat itself.
- The video likely to disorganize or break most of the rules of continuity editing
- The editing is identified to be the most prominant feature of music video as it is obvious and attracts the audience's attention (with breaking the rules of continuity editing).
- Jump cuts against the movement or lyrics.
- Fancy / distinctive Edits.
- Juxtaposed frames.
For example, we are unlikely to see:
- Fair pace throughout.
- Smooth transitions.
Finally, the camera moves in time with the music, lots of repetitions,extremes, close-ups and establishing shots are very common in music videos. A master shot (base track) is often used in order to give the video a structure.
Examples of videos that i think illustrate her ideas:
Moves like Jagger By Maroon 5 ft Christina Aguilera
Mirror on the wall By Bruno Mars Ft Lil wayne
Look at me now By Chris Brown Ft Busta Rhymes Ft Lil wayne
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