Monday, 1 October 2012

Skills audit

This is some of my of the research that I did for my Thriller in AS.  Then when I did it i put a lot of effort in my research to ensure I had a very vivid understanding of what it means and what it takes to make a very good thrill opening.

However; in terms of ICT; I was not adventurous in the ways I could have presented it. The only skills what I used was Blogging, and pasting still pictures and video links from youtube on it. Now that I have learnt some skills when I was writing my evaluation; for example using beeclip and go animate, I will use more of those when doing my research to show that I have variety of skills.

However in saying this; the analysis of the pictures are quite detailed therefore I would like to apply this skill to my new blogging research and really take apart the music video by explaining what happens in each shot. Nevertheless; because music videos has a lot more shots than a thriller I would have to be very smart and think about how many shots I could actually analyse.

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